Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Goody, Goody, Birthday Goodies!

I recently celebrated a birthday and received many awesome things
of which some came under a tree wrapped in lovely nature embellishments! We went camping for my birthday and my sneaky friend Dez used what we had around to wrap these while I was away from camp! Imagine my surprise and delight when I stumbled upon these when walking to the tent!
within one of the packages was this adorable!!!! dog!
Embroidered turtle cocktail napkins!

I also received a birthday package in the mail that contained these items
This is one of Karin's masterpieces she created for me! What a lucky girl I am!
Sweet Karin purchased the above notebook at a store called bon in Tucson, AZ.

Not only did Karin's package arrive in the mail Amazon was there too!!
My cousin gifted me a hefty card and I spent it in a matter of 2 clicks with the mouse!

Now, the rule for birthdays is you always have to treat yourself right?
After taking Amy's class I had to find some tin types to make jewerly, however I don't have the patience to look through photographs and tin types.
I was delighted to find this old album at a antique store in Cloverdale when we stopped to get gas.

full of photographs and tin types!

Oh did I mention we went wine tasting on the way to camping?

"When I was younger, I could remember anything, whether it happened or not."
- Mark Twain


Anonymous said...

Happy birthday indeed! Wow, if success in life is judged by how many friends you have, you're doing very well!

I like how they wrapped those gifts under the tree while you were camping. The creativity is great.

I'm still not sure where I'm at on the whole jewelry out of tintypes thing because it seems necessary to cut and mangle the tintype. But I guess if someone can cherish the photo in jewelry form, it's better than sticking it in a wet basement or attic and letting it rot away.

Anyway, Happy Birthday! Those are great pictures and it seems like you've got some great friends!

Karin said...

wheeeee! fun stuff!

Gina said...

Very belated, which seems to be my theme this last month.
But Happy Birthday to you. You received some most wonderful things. The packages by the tree are just to cute!!!!