Sunday, January 27, 2008

"I have such GOOD friends."

This is the statement I made as my friends Pam and Lorena left my house.
The reasons:

Pam brought me delicious Tamales and this adorable cupcake container, which I love!

Lorena thought of me as she was purging her garage and brought me lots of crafting goodness! Check it out!!!!!

Not only do they bring me awesome gifts but they bring their company too!
I can't beat that!

I have also been spending the weekend:

Estate sale shopping. I must say it is a very strange feeling walking into someone's house and looking through their belongings. But when I do find treasures that are drawn to me, I think to myself "wow, someone else out there actually loves these items as much as I do." It's a funny feeling.

and we celebrated my cousin's 31st:

I baked cupcakes for another birthday:

Strawberry on strawberry...yum! Cupcakes just bring a smile to my face.

and I played with this crazy beast!

"It is one of the blessings of old friends that you can afford to be stupid with them."
-Ralph Waldo Emerson

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